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Downtown on Ellis in the beautiful cultural district


Cannery Lofts

102-1289 Ellis Street Kelowna V1Y 9X6

250 862 5152



Specializing in Laser Hair Removal

using the Candela GentleMax Pro


Bikini / Underarm $120

Brazilian / Underarm $140

Lower Legs / Underarm $210

Lower Legs / Underarm / Bikini $260

Full Leg / Underarm $350

Full Leg / Underarm / Bikini $400

Mens back $200

Mens back / upper arms $250

Click here for more pricing

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Skincare Services

Hydroderm $150


BellaMD+ Medical Facial $250

Micro-needling $300

O2toDerm Oxygen Facial $175

Micro-needling with Oxygen Facial $400

Dermaplaning with Microdermabrasion $150

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